New Years Eve 2012

Well another year has come and is about to leave us and begin a new. Many things happened throughout this year both positive and negative, but as the ones who thought the world was going to come to an end in December 2012 turned out to worry over nothing, which none of us could control anyway, I am glad that this is ending. Now they will simply have to come up with another fabrication to worry themselves over, as for me, well I take what is dished out and make the best of what I can do something about.

I am sitting in a warm loving environment writing this to you and for posterity, so to speak as my daughter is doing laundry, trying to get all done before the new year, my son-in-law and their 5 year old son is playing a rock band video game, which is fantastic, they are playing drums, singing and having a rockin good time. My grandaughter who is 3 is playing on the other computer, a game which she enjoys.

Me, well I have my earphones on listening to my music while writing this and thinking of my wonderful husband who cannot be with us physically, but I will be calling him on my tablet on Skype and we will be watching the ball drop in New york ringing in 2013. I can only ask that this coming year bring lots of joy, prosperity and positive energies.

I have been doing a lot of reaching out to help make my life more positive and getting our property sold in SA so that my husband will be able to join me here. It has now been 8 months since we could even touch one another and I am not ashamed to say that I miss his touch. Life is full of joys and also letdowns, but I ask each day that the positive overpower the negative and make life more bearable for both of us and bring him back into my arms. I know in my heart that Mother Nature and the Spirits never send anything our way that we cannot handle, even tho sometimes it seems really dark, but that is only the negative trying to overcome the positive and I refuse to let that happen.

In just a couple of hours time we will be saying goodbye to 2012 and welcoming 2013. So in closing I wish each of you a safe and happy along with prosperous New Year. 2013 will bring many positive changes, this I feel in my heart and soul, so I say: