Why are Crystals Healing?

Healing Energies

Crystals carry energy vibrations, and can subtly help to bring the energy vibrations within your body and aura into a healthy and vibrant balance. Quartz, in particular, is uniquely potent and useful- have you ever wondered why quartz crystals wind up in everything from inexpensive wristwatches, to the most advanced technology we possess? The electronics industry is based on the properties of silicon and quartz crytals; these amazing natural minerals organize and regulate electrical energy. Metaphysically, the quartz crystal can be “programmed” to help clear away negative energy from the aura and re-align the chakra energy centers of the body.

Clearing and Programming Crystals

Crystals are a tool and can be like a storage battery for thought energy. “Clearing” has to do with the energy of the stone or crystal. Crystals can be “programmed” with our thought energy and then act on our subtle energy fields. They also to help to create situations in our lives that will lead us in directions that allow positive growth and healing.

Clearing a crystal or gem stone is a simple task, and it is a way to insure that there are no left over negative energies from the person who owned it before you. It is a way to personalize your crystal, and create a new energy bond between you and your new gem stone partner. There are many ways to do this, but this is a simple and effective way – make sure you will not be disturbed. Hold your new crystal under running water, and as the water pours over it, close your eyes and imagine all the negative energies are washed away down the drain and out to the vast ocean to be purified by the cycles of life. You can also leave them in the warm sun, and allow the power of it’s light purify to the crystal with “fire”.

To program your new crystal, simply hold it in your hand, close your eyes, then in your imagination, create an image of what you want your crystal or gem stone to help you create. Keep your crystal close to your skin, and when you can not wear it, store it in a special box or bag, which has also been purified and blessed. Fill your crystal companions with love, and you will recieve it back threefold!

Each chakra has a color, and different gem stones and crystals can be associated with these.

The ROOT CHAKRA’S color is red, other colors associated with the Root Chakra are black brown, and gray.Gemstones like garnet onyx, and red jasper are beneficial.

The NAVEL CHAKRA’S color is orange.Gemstones like carnelian and orange zincite help to bring the system into balance.

The SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA’S color is yellow. Gemstones like citrine and yellow sapphire are used.

The HEART CHAKRA’S color is green and the secondary color is pink. Gemstones like rose quartz or green tourmaline are useful.

The THROAT CHAKRA’S color is blue like aqua or turquoise, secondary colors are various shades of lighter blues. Gemstones like turquoise or blue lace agate balance this chakra.

The BROW CHAKRA’S color is indigo or shades of dark blue. Gemstones like lapis lazuli or sodalite compliment this area.

The CROWN CHAKRA’S color is purple, the secondary color is clear or white. Gemstones like amethyst or clear quartz are perfect.

Crystals and the Zodiac

Aquarius hematite, amethyst, amber

Pisces amethyst, opal, bloodstone, coral, aquamarine, fire opal

Aries fire agate, aquamarine, bloodstone, citrine, diamond, emerald, jade

Taurus carnelian, diamond, blue tourmaline, chrysocolla, rose quartz

Gemini rutilated quartz, aquamarine, blue sapphire, emerald, jade, pearl

Cancer moonstone, ruby, carnelian, opal, fire opal

Leo citrine, amber, garnet, jasper, carnelian, diamond

Virgo smoky quartz, watermelon tourmaline, amethyst, moss agate, geodes

Libra rose quartz, tourmaline, bloodstone, citrine, jade, moonstone, opal

Scorpio turquoise, moldavite, malachite, moonstone, opal, peridot, ruby

Sagitarius lapis, obsidian, topaz, azurite, chalcedony, smoky quartz, turquoise

Capricorn tigereye, jade, black tourmaline, green tourmaline, garnet, smoky quartz

Metaphysical Properties of Crystals

Agate Balances ying-yang energy, stabilizes the aura. Imparts strength and courage. Opens one to innate creative talents.

Amber Purifies body, mind, and spirit. Balances electromagnetics of the body and allows even flow of energies. Provides a positive, soothing energy. Spiritualizes the intellect.

Amethyst Calming energy. Encourages spirituality and contentment. Stone of stability, strength, and peace. Excellent for meditation. Enhances psychic ability.

Aventurine Independence, leadership, creativity. Balances male and female energies. Aligns intellectual, physical, emotional, and etheric bodies.

Aquamarine Courage, intellect, protection. Assists spiritual awareness and actualization.

Azurite Awakens psychic ability, insight, and intuition. opens the third eye. Excellent for clearing the mind for meditation.

Amazonite Balancing energy, harmony, Fosters Universal love.

Bloodstone Bloodstone imparts strength, courage, and the self confidence needed to succeed in business and legal affairs. Attracts wealth, sexual potency, insures victory.

Calcite Energy amplifier, excellent for clearing and cleansing.

Carnelian Carnelian is ahealing stone that counteracts feelings of apathy, fear and rage. Fosters peace within and without, imparts self confidence, and inspired verbal and written communication.

Celestite Excellent stone for dream recall and astral travel.

Chrysocolla Strength and balance. Promotes harmony and attunement to the Earth. Purifies one’s environment.

Citrine Dissipates negative energy. Warmth, joy, and optimism.

Diamond Purity, perfection, abundance, and inspiration.

Emerald Loyalty, sensitivity, harmony, and tranquility. Assists in memory retention and mental clarity.

Fluorite Stability, order, discernment, and concentration. Helps one to understand and maintain ideals.

Fucite Fosters loyalty, emotional sensitivity, harmony, and tranquility. Assists in memory retention and mental clarity. Attracts balance, abundance and prosperity.

Garnet Commitment, devotion, love, stability and order. Even flow of energy.

Hematite Excellent for the mind, and grounding.

Jade Harmony, peace, fidelity, confidence. A great dream stone.

Jasper Protection, awareness, insight, and grounding.

Kunzite Communication, love and peace. Protects and dissolves negativity. Excellent for meditation.

Kyanite Never needs cleaning or clearing, aligns all chakras. Tranquility, communication, and psychic awareness. Excellent for meditation and dream recall.

Labradorite Represents the light of the Universe, extra-terrestrial energy. Intuition and illumination.

Lapis Lazuli Knowledge, wisdom, perfection, protection, and creative expression.

Lepidolite Honesty, stability, hope, acceptance. Assists in change and transition. Facilitates astral travel.

Lodestone Lodestones are natural magnets, and for many centuries, have been used to charge spell items, primarily to attract things to the one using them- good luck, healing, money, love.

Malachite Transformation and spiritual development. Clears the way to attain goals.

Moldavite Clarity and eternity. Extra-terrestrial and interdimensional access.

Moonstone Lunar female energy. Emotional and intuitive. Rhythms, cycles, and destiny.

Obsidian Dispels negativity. Grounding, healing, protective. Helps one to clearly see one’s flaws and the changes that are necessary.

Onyx Centering, self-control, and intuitive guidance. Assists in the grieving process.

Opal Creativity, inspiration, and imagination.

Peridot Healing and protective. Allows one to understand changes in one’s life, regulates life cycles.

Petrified Wood Grounding, provides strength. Stone of transformation.

Pyrite Shields from negative energy, good stone of protection. Enhances intellect and memory. Symbol of the sun.

Clear Quartz crystal Universal crystal, clarity of consciousness….The quartz crystal can be programmed to help clear away negative energy from the aura and re-align the chakra energy centers of the body.

Rhodochrosite Love energy. Excellent stone for balance in all areas.

Rose Quartz Empowers and attracts the energies of love, happiness and peace. Encourages healing on all levels.

Ruby Love, nurturing, spirituality, wealth, and protection.

Ruby Zoisite Facilitates trance states and a connection to the divine. Good for facilitating communication with angels and Divine Beings. Deepens an understanding of the esoteric and unseen.

Rutilated Quartz Intensifies energy. Stimulates the brain. Inspiration and clairvoyance.

Sapphire Beauty and prosperity.

Shiva Lingam “Crypto Crystalline Quartz”, said to contain the loftiest vibration of all stones on Earth. They emanate a vibration that will purify your temple or home. The stone represents both the male energy of knowledge & the female energy of wisdom.

Smoky Quartz Dissolves negativity, grounding, and balancing. Excellent for meditation.

Sodalite Logic, efficiency, and truthfulness. Enhances group communication.

Sugilite Spiritual love, perfection, inspiration, confidence. Alleviates negative/destructive emotions.

Tigereye Earthy, grounding. Represents sun and earth. Optimism, insight, personal power.

Topaz Success, true love, individuality, creativity, and joy.

Tourmaline Inspiration, understanding, self-confidence, balancing.

Tourmalinated Quartz Strength and balancing. Combines attributes of tourmaline and quartz.

Turquoise Spiritual attunement, strength, and grounding. Excellent for astral travel.

Zircon Virtue, unification, continuity, and purity.

WICCAN uses of common incense

Cedar- Purification and protection, spiritual growth andprosperity.

Cinnamon- Love, psychic ability, and protection.

Copal- Purification and cleansing of ritual space and stones.

Dragon’s Blood- Lust, courage, and sexuality.

Frankincense- Protection, spirituality, and consecration of ritual tools and space.

Jasmine- Love, peace, and prophetic dreams.

Juniper- Exorcism, healing and love magick.

Myrrh- Healing, protection, consecration of ritual tools and space, meditation.

Pine- Money, purification, and exorcism.

Rose- Love, psychic powers, healing, luck, protection, Domestic peace and happiness.

Sage- Spiritual growth, healing, and purification of the home and ritual space.

Sandalwood- Protection, healing, love and spiritual growth.

Vanilla- Love, seduction, mental powers, an aphrodisiac.

Magickal Tools used in Wicca

Altar– The place where magickal symbols and tools are placed for use during a ritual or spellwork.

Athame– Athames are traditional black-handled daggers, symbolic of the element of Air, all things spiritual, and the Eastern Quarter. Daggers are used to direct and send magickal energy.

Book of Shadows– A witchs spell book and magickal diary, used to construct and record spells and rituals. Also known as a BOS or Grimoire

Candles– Used to represent the God and Goddess on the altar. Use candles of the appropriate color for the type of spellwork or ritual.

Chalice– Symbolic of the element of Water, all things emotional, and the Western Quarter.

Essential Oils– Used for anointing candles and other ritual objects and tools. Use the oil apporopriate to the purpose desired.

Incense– Incense appropriate to the season, or to the magickal goal, is burned to help attune the witch to the goal of the spell.

Pentagram– Symbol of the element of Earth, all things material, and the Northern Quarter. Pentagrams are also symbolic of the unity of the 5 elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit.

Stones and gems- Crystals carry energy vibrations, and can subtly help to bring the energy vibrations within your body, aura and spellwork into balance. Use gems and stones with vibrations suited to your purpose.

Wand– Symbolic of the element of Fire, all things mental, and the Southern Quarter. Wands are also used to direct and send magickal energy.


Everything has certain elemental qualities, which are called “correspondences”. Just as we are all born uder a certain sign of the zodiac, and just as our gender, race, nationality, and individual upbriging influence our characters and personal qualities, so do correspondences influence the different elements and tools we might use to perform magick. Carefully choosing elements with the right correspondences can help to insure the success of your magickal endevours! Below are Wiccan interpretations of elemental correspondences and phases for moon magick.


Masculine elements are strong and active. Use for protection, purification, hex-breaking, exorcism, lust, sexual potency, health, strength, courage, financial success.

Feminine elements are subtler and softer. Use to attract love, increase beauty, youth, healing, psychic abilities, increase fertility, draw wealth, promote happiness and peace, aid sleep and cause visions.


Earth- A Feminine element.
Direction- North.
Color- green.
Elemental beings are gnomes.
Earth Animals are the wolf, owl, dragon, stag, and wild cats.
Stones are onyx, jade, amethyst, and flourite.
Rules spells dealing with fertility, jobs, money, business, health, ecology and nature, and stability.

Air- A Masculine element.
Direction- East.
Color- yellow.
Elemental beings are sylphs.
Air animals are doves, the wolf, fox, deer, and turtle.
Stones are moonstone, tourquoise, and rhodochrosite.
Rules spells dealing with memory, intellect, test taking, divination and psychic ability, travel, and overcoming addictions.

Fire- A Masculine element.
Direction- South.
Color- red.
Elemental beings are salamanders.
Fire animals are the porcupine, coyote, fox, squirrel, hawk, mouse, deer, bear, and snakes.
Stones are amber, citrine, smoky crystals, gold, and copper.
Fire rules spells dealing with success, sex, illness, protection, legal matters, competitions, strength, and energy.

Water- A Feminine element.
Direction- West.
Elemental beings are undines.
Animals are all sea mammals and sea birds, fish, night creatures, and the raven.
Stones are silver, river rocks, amethyst, coral, seashells, and rainbow colored crystals.
Water rules spells dealing with love, friendship, meditation, healing, dreams, childbirth, clairvoyance and purification.


Moon- Goddess mysteries, women’s health, the home, children, prophetic dreams, reincarnation, sleep, emotional healing.

Sun- God mysteries, physical health, employment, leadership, prosperity, money, the performing arts and celebrity, self confidence, and new ventures.

Mercury- The intellect, communications written or spoken, teaching and learning, travel, diplomacy, influencing others.

Venus- Inner and outer beauty, love, romance, family, the creative arts, friendship, gardening, peace, happiness, fertility and sexuality.

Mars- Passion, force, power, lust, courage, strength of will, the military, physical exertion, machinery, and competition.

Jupiter- Money, prosperity, success, legal judgements, luck, friendship, investments, social gatherings, ambition, the seeking and granting of favors.

Saturn- Land and real estate, past lives, overcoming self-sabotage, lies, and losses, learning life’s lessons and protection from psychic attack.

Uranus- Unexpected changes, higher consciousness, metaphysics, new inventions, regathering scattered energies, clairvoyance, freedom, and independence.

Neptune- Inner vision and perception, intuition, dreams, divination, chaos, confusion and revolution.

Pluto- Death, transformations, astral travel, the otherworld, materializations, transfigurations, and metamorphosis.


Sunday- Ruled by the Sun. Power, prosperity, health, banishing evil annd excorcism.

Monday- Ruled by the Moon. Intuition, dreams, psychic ability, female fertility, and the Goddess.

Tuesday- Ruled by Mars. Courage, energy, and physical strength. banishing negativity.

Wednesday- Ruled by Mercury. Divination, communications, knowledge, wisdom, and study.

Thursday- Ruled by Jupiter. Good luck, wealth, healing, male fertility, legal matters.

Friday- Ruled by Venus. Love, sex, marriage, fertility and friendship.

Saturday- Ruled by Saturn. Psychic ability, meditation, and communication with spirits.


New Moon- New Moon magick begins on the day of the new moon to three-and-a-half days after. Use the energy of the new moon for new ventures and new beginnings. Also use the new moon for love spells, job hunting, and healing.

Waxing Moon- The waxing moon begins seven to fourteen days after the new moon. Use the waxing moon for constructive magick, such as llove spells, magiick for wealth and success, courage, friendship, luck or good health.

Full Moon- A powerful energy for rituals of prophecy, divination and protection. Any spellwork that requires extra energy, such as finding a new job or healing serious conditions, is best begun during the full moon. Also for love, gaining sacred knowledge, legal matters, attracting money and prophetic dreams.

Waning Moon- Begin waning moon magick three-and-a-half to ten-and-a-half days after the full moon. The waning moon is used for banishing negativity, for curing addictions, and illness.

New Moon- The energy of the dark moon is useful for working magick against attackers, and for understanding your own angers and passions. Also for rituals designed to bring justice to bear in very negative situations.

The Moon spends a day or two each month in each of the twelve signs of the zodiac. The sign the moon is transiting through can be used to good advantage during spellwork.

Moon in Aries- A good time to perform spells related to job ventures and all new projects related to money. Also a good time to develop strength and courage, and lust spells. This is not a good moon for performing divination.

Moon in Taurus- This moon is excellent for spellwork relatd to love, creativity, and inner peace. Spells done at this time take the longest to manifest, but the results will be very long lasting and be stable.

Moon in Gemini- The perfect time for spells dealing with communications, healing, and uncrossing spells. Be careful- the moon in Gemini can be unpredictable and unstable.

Moon in Cancer- Excellent for any spell involving the home, fertility, children, or divination.

Moon in Leo- Spells involving leadership, prosperity, fame and career are best done in Leo, but do not perform any spells involving love, or any other emotion, as Leo may actually counteract it.

Moon in Virgo- This moon ensures a spell which involves meticulous detail, especially spells involving education, healing, and stability.

Moon in Libra- Excellent for working a spell with a partner, and for magick involving marriage, couples, partnership, peace, and fairness.

Moon in Scorpio- Use this energy for mysteries, the occult, divination, and sex magick.

Moon in Sagittarius- This is an excellent time to experiment with new techniques or magick spells, but it is not a good time for psychic worrk or divination.

Moon in Capricorn- Perfect for spells to manifest life’s basiic needs and for stability.

Moon in Aquarius- The best time to work on behalf of others, but consciously stay focused on your heart to maintain a higher consciousness with others, and to avoid selfish motives.

Moon in Pisces- Perfect for divination and psychic work, past life regressions, and communication with spirits.


What Does It Mean To Be A Witch?

I get this question all the time and the only way I personally know how to answer this question is to simply say, that being a witch is not a disease, but a way of life.  How we live our lives everyday determines what we are. I personally live my life the way that I feel it should be lived, open and honest. I do not proclaim to be better than anyone else, or to be more powerful than anyone else, or any such craziness, I am only me, myself & I.

A witch is your neighbor, your mother, your sister, your father, your brother, your best friend or that stranger standing in front of you or behind you in the check-out line at the grocery store, or the ones you pass in the street or perhaps it’s the person in the car next to you on the highway. We do not have those pointed and warted noses like you see on the TV, or in kids books, we are your everyday average person, who do perhaps some of the same things you do, with one exception, a witch does not bring harm to any living creature for any reason.

To me being a witch means, taking care of Mother Nature, planting greenery whenever possible, be it flowers that will bloom, or fruits that will feed or perhaps catnip that the animals can enjoy and have a place all their own to enjoy and make that escape when they need a break from us. Working with the energy forces for the good of all; bringing no harm to anything or anyone for any reason.

Think of life as being like a battery, it needs both a positive and a negative side to work.  The same goes for our own lives. However, we must be able to over shadow the negative so that the positive is stronger. We come into contact everyday with a lot of negatives, whether it’s through work, our bosses, play, our kids, our spouses, school, driving (road rage), or simply going about our daily lives. We must be able to focus on the positive so strongly that the negative will stay in its place, but not over power the positive. The people who feel they must use the negative for the betterment of their lives, to me they are not witches, but manipulators and wanna bees.

I have an old tree that was failed and lie dormant for so many years, so I have taken that tree and converted it into my dragon fairy garden. I have transplanted some indigenous plants, which the locals call weeds, to me they are not weeds at all, because Mother Nature has given them to us, and I put them into this area, made a little chair just for the fairies to have a place to sit and I try to keep the non wanted weeds out, so that this is a caring and loving space in my garden.

I take all the garden rakings out to the vegetable garden to form compost; this also includes all the egg shells, and non edible parts of our cooking.  The edible portions either go to the free range chickens or the donkey nothing is really wasted as it is recycled in some form.

The paper tubes from our kitchen paper towels are all saved and donated to the local schools for their arts and crafts, plastic bags are washed and reused until such time as they need to be replaced.

I save the outer skins of my oranges, dry them and grind them for my natural source of vitamin C. Sprinkle this on my morning toast or put some in my cooking to get that little bit of flavor of citrus or use it for baking bread.

I keep reminders on my office room door of how a witch should live her/his life each and every day and these are not hidden from view, anyone who walks into my home is able to read them and if they have questions, then I try to answer them in my honest opinions.

I do not hide the fact that I am a witch, I am open and honest and I simply let them know that they either accept me the way that I am or they don’t, either way I will continue to be who and what I am and I need no ones permission to be who and what I am.

So to me what it means to be a witch is to be the best you can be, obey the rules from Mother Earth, and give back as she gives us so much. I follow the moon and do my rituals as and when I feel they should be, not because someone says I have to. I keep a daily journal as to the things that happen in my day, or my personal thoughts. I respect each and every person or animal that I have contact with. I treat others as I want to be treated, with respect and without judgment or conditions. I do not posses things that belong to others. When someone gives me good news about their life, I always tell them how proud I am and how happy I am for them, that they deserve only the best that life has to offer.

I am NOT perfect and NEVER will be, but I do the best that I feel is best and ask for nothing in return. I do not make promises and break them, for if my word is not kept, then I am not a witch and I am a fraud, therefore if I say something, then you can count on it 100%.  To me this is what being a Witch means.