Delete Negative Energies

Candles for Deleting Negative Energies

We all face negative energies everyday, every moment of our lives which leads to our ability not to accomplish the things that we need to do professionally, therefore it is essential that we take steps to cleanse ourselves of these negatives. This is how I rid myself and I hope that you too will take some time from your daily routines and give this a try. It does work.

Items Required:

1 White Candle for Positive Energy
1 Black Candle for Negative Energy
1 Green Candle for Healing Energy

Light your prefered scent of Incense;
Clear your mind completely.

Once your mind is clear; light the white candle & say:

Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water & Spirit; I ask thee to cleanse my body of all negative energies.

Light the black candle & say:

Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water & Spirit; I ask thee to cleanse my body of all negative energies.

Light the green candle & say:

Mother Earth, Fire, Wind, Water & Spirit; I ask thee to free & heal my body from all negative forces.

Blessed Be!

Do this in a quiet room, as I prefer the bathroom, so that you can have a calming and relaxing hot bath ready to get into. Sit back, close your eyes, keep your mind clear for at least 15 minutes. As I am in the bath, I inhale through my nose at the same time saying the words in my head, Breathe in the Positive, hold a few seconds, then exhale through the mouth at the same time saying the words in my head, Release the Negative. After several times of doing this I feel a load being lifted from me, relax totally and when I feel ready, get out of the bath, drain the water and I feel fresh and renewed.

This I do as often as I feel the need. It’s especially good if you live a very hassel filled day or work in an office or work where there is a lot of stress and tension.

What More Could A Mother Want?

This story started in 1971 in California, I was underage pregnant and pretty much homeless.  I had been travelling around the country and really did not have a place I could call home.  I would get work in all night diners as a waitress so that I would have a roof over my head and food in my stomach.  When I was not working I would walk around town or do window shopping, go to the malls and find a bathroom stall in which to be alone and try to catch some sleep.  I was pretty desperate, no money, no family around, no bed to actually sleep in.  I would go to the gym to take a shower and for a change of clothes I would go to the local second hand store called the Salvation Army and spend as little as possible for a clean change of clothes.  It worked for a while, but I was getting pretty big and needed some assistance because my pregnancy was really taking its toll on my body.  I know I looked like a typical street kid and got the dirty looks and bad names.  But I was desperate.

I decided to call my family.  My Stepmother answered the phone, I explained what was going on in my life and her exact words were, “so what do you want us to do, you made your bed, now you lye in it, you will not see one red dime from us” and hung up the phone.  Someone suggested I speak with the unwed mothers home.  This was a place that was run by the Catholic Nuns; I did not know what else to do, so I contacted them.  After several hours of interrogation I was handed a piece of paper to sign, it was blank with no words in the blanks, I did ask why I must sign a blank paper and they gave me all legitimate answers, like we don’t know if the child will be a boy or a girl, we don’t know if the child will be born alive or a still birth, we don’t know the weight of the child, etc, etc, all seemed to be legit, so in order to get the help I so desperately needed, I signed the paper.  Well, let me tell you, this was the biggest mistake of my life.

When I was going into labor, they took me into the delivery room, would not give me any pain medication and told me I must keep the noise down, that there were others in the room too and I must be considerate of them.  After several hours of excruciating pain, it was time for the baby to be born.  Here there was a problem as the baby was breach.  The nurse was trying to help turn the baby on the outside while the Dr. was trying to turn the baby from the inside.  Still nothing for pain, so let me tell you this hurt so bad, I thought I was going to die. The baby was determined to be born breach, because each time they got it turned the right way, it would flip back in breach position.  Nothing else could be done, but to let the baby have its way and come out butt first, so indeed she did.  I only got to have a brief glimpse of my daughter, then she was gone.

Later in my room, one of the nurses actually brought my daughter to me and I held her in my arms.  The head nurse was walking down the hall past my room, when she looked in and boy did she hit the ceiling.  She started screaming to get this child away from me, I was not the mother and I had no right to see this child, and I was literally going crazy, crying and screaming.  She looked at me and said, you remember that piece of paper you signed when you can in here, and I said yes I do, she said well you gave this baby up for adoption, you have no rights.  I held the baby so tight that they had to give me a shot of some kind of muscle relaxer to be able to get her away from me.   I was still crying and really confused, but all of a sudden things went blank and the next thing I remember I was waking up asking for my daughter.  I started to haemorrhage really bad and had to go to emergency surgery. I was told that the baby had died of complications while I was in surgery.  I was devastated.  How could this happen?  I asked to see her body and was told sorry they did not want to upset me any more than I am so the body had already been disposed of.  I cannot even express the feelings I had at this time.  I just wanted to curl up and die myself.  I would not speak to anyone, I hardly ate anything, and I felt a sense of emptiness and loneliness.

Well time went on and I got better and left the home.  I really can’t remember all that happened, but for many years, I kept trying to have another baby, with or without a husband made no difference to me.  I wanted somebody to love and to love me.  What they had done at the unwed home was make sure I would never have another child.  I had been fixed.  This was another shock to my system.  How could I have a baby one minute and with a blink of an eye it’s over forever?  As time went on many years, I got my life together, started dating, never contemplating marriage, because who would want a woman that was like damaged goods, could not give a man a child, it was like I was only half a woman.  I snapped out of this and continued to turn my life around, but never forgetting that I had given birth to a beautiful daughter and even named her Kimberlee Elizabeth, which was the name I always liked.  I partied all the time, travelled around the US and had a pretty good life for 26 years.

On June 30, 1998 I had a phone call that would change my life once again forever.  My dad called me and asked if the name McIntyre meant anything to me or my brother and sister.  Well, I could not speak for them but it certainly meant nothing to me.  I had never heard of anyone called McIntyre.  I asked him why and he said, well I have just had the strangest of conversations and they want to speak to you.  I could not for the life of me ever wonder why.  My dad gave me the phone number and said I should call.  After I hung up from him I called the number he had given to me and I got a recording on the other end that said, If you are calling about the dental plan, please press 1.  I thought this was a joke and just hung up.  My friend who was with me at the time, said to call the number again, that maybe I had gotten the wrong number.  So again I dial the number and I get the same message, again I hang up the phone.  Now this time I know it’s a scam for insurance.  My friend says, what happens if you press 1 and I said forget it I am not wasting another long distance call on a scam.  She said, go on call back, press 1 and then if you get the same message, I will shut up and agree that it’s a scam.  So reluctantly, I called back the third time and just before pressing 1 I heard a voice on the other end say Hello.  I flew into a rage of verbal obscenities, asking what kind of scam are you running and how do you know me and what is it you want?  That is when the voice on the other end of the phone said, “I am your Biological Daughter”.  I started to cry and said, excuse me, my daughter died shortly after her birth in California.  She said to me, “No Mama I am very much alive”.

Wow after a 7.5 hour phone conversation I knew this was in fact my daughter.  We spent the next several days and nights getting to know one another by phone.  Neither of us had the money to get to one another and to meet face to face.  In September 98, we finally did meet.  Wow, it was like looking at myself in the mirror.  We were the same height, same weight, same build, same clothes styles, right down to the shoes and the kind of music we liked and the same voice.  We hugged and cried and hugged and cried, it was wonderful.

We talked about everything.  It was like we were joined at the hip and could not get enough of one another.  There is a lot more to this story, but some things are best kept as my secrets.

I speak with my daughter everyday via the internet and there are times when I call her on the phone and she will call me, we share everything even to this day and I am now a grandmother.  What more could a mother want. My daughter was raped and out of the rape she has a beautiful son.  I am truly a proud mother and grandmother and I have to be the luckiest person in this world.

To answer probably your one question, no I have no idea who the father was, still don’t.  It really doesn’t matter either, because I have my daughter and we have one another.  We are the ones with the last laugh.  Everyone that tried to keep us apart failed.  Before my daughter’s rape, she was a model and a fire-fighter.  I have a daughter who loves me and a beautiful grandson, a granddaughter who was born on the 2nd of July, who is now 2 & a wonderful life now, so I ask you again, what more could a mother want?

It’s Never Too Late to Be In Love

I am writing this to all the women or men who are somewhat lonely and need to try and find that ideal partner to share their life.  They always say that life begins at 40, but that is not always the truth.  For me it began at 50 and has been getting even better as the years now pass.

I was born in NC in the US in August of 1951.  I had an awful childhood.  My mother and dad divorced when I was 10 months old.  I am the youngest of 3, my brother is 4 years older and my sister is 2 years older.  I was the one who always had to take the blame and pay the consequences for anything that might upset the apple cart, so to speak.  I had more beatings than any one child should ever have.  I survived and in a way, I guess that you could say that it made me a stronger and more positive person later in life.

To speed things up and not bore anyone to death, I will forgo all the gory details that I had to endure throughout growing up.  I have been married 3 times.  The first time was in the 80’s and I married a man who was an alcoholic but not an apparent abuser.  Our life was ok for a while, then after about a year or so, he became very possessive and things were beginning to get to the violent stage.  He even went so far as to put a gun to my head.  That’s when I decided it was time to pack it in, so I left.  I went to an attorney and filed for divorce.  I kept in contact with a special female friend of mine and several years later I found out that he died and the house was up for sale.  His first wife and daughter were trying to forge my signature on the papers, etc.  I hired an attorney and put a stop to it immediately.  It was at this time that I found that I even owned the house and that the papers he had been served with for his signature, well he burnt them in the fireplace, therefore I was not divorced, but now a widow.  I told my attorney to advise the people that had they notified me and tried to do things legally, they could have had it all, but since they had tried to defraud me and by now the memory of George (my deceased husband), that they would have to pay me out.  I left all of this in the hands of the attorney, and all finally was sorted out.

By this time I had moved to Colorado and had met a man whom I felt was for me.  In 1990 we got married and for several years it was touch and go.  He was handicapped with polio, which was ok for me.  I don’t look at a person on the outside; I see their beauty from the inside.  This was ok for several years.  We lived in a house that was owned by him, my name never appeared on any of the papers, which was fine with me.  We spent a month every year in Mexico and this happened for about 10 years.  On one of the trips he fell and broke his leg.  This is when all the problems started to come to life and it just became too much for me to bear.  In our life together, he would go to the supermarket on a daily bases, buying stuff that most of the times would just sit and rot.  I am not a big eater and most of the time I did not like the stuff he would cook, but ate it anyway, because well, that’s what one does.  I was afraid that if I divorced him, that I would be so lonely that I would just wither and die.  He was using me like a maid, something to just wipe your feet on and never told me he loved me, never really even showed me he did, and I was getting more and more miserable as time went on.  My daughter and I had several conversations about this and it was finally her idea that I get out and meet someone and to tell (Ken) to stuff it, it’s over.  After much contemplation   I did just that.

Now this is when the story really begins to take shape.  I have always enjoyed reading the personal ads, either in the newspapers or on the internet.  It is sometimes a form of laughable entertainment and it’s either cheap or free.  It was 25 December 2001 that I went onto the internet, read some personal ads that were on and read the profile of someone, who I thought, this man is just too good to be true.  He’s romantic, an actor, loves opera, classical music, writes beautiful poetry and is good looking.  This has to be a made up story, just to get your attention.  The more I read on his website, I just had to find out if this man was for real or put-on.  So on that day I just happened to write a very long winded e-mail and in the e-mail advised him that if he was a recovering alcoholic, recovering drug addict or looking for cyber-sex, not to bother responding, but if he was who his profile and website says he is to please write back if interested.  It was later that day that I was surprised with a return e-mail and life has not been the same for me since, for the better, I might add.

Mike and I wrote one another everyday or chatted on one of the chats like Yahoo everyday and sometimes several hours at a time and often several time throughout the day.  We were really getting to know one another and falling in love at the same time.  It was so refreshing to be able to talk to a man about anything and everything and he knew exactly how I was feeling.  It was getting to the point that we were saying almost the same thing at the same time to one another or finishing each others questions before they were even completed.  Needless to say, it was getting very scary for me.  I was treading in waters that I had never felt before.  I was still married at this time and how am I going to get away from him to get to this wonderful person in South Africa.  When I tell you that I had to get it figured out, well, I did.  I was supposed to be flying to New Jersey to a function that was going to be taken place for a week, but instead I went to Chicago, Il, stayed in a hotel for a couple of nights and caught a flight to Johannesburg, South Africa.  I had purchased a one way ticket, so if this man was a monster, I was in dire straits, but something kept telling me, not to worry, that this is for real and it is going to work out.  All the way on the plane, I was excited and nervous, yet there was a sense of calmness too.  I arrived in Johannesburg International Airport on Friday October 11, 2002 and that has been the best, no, absolutely the best decision I have ever made in my life.  Mike is everything and more than he had described.  He is the type of man that all women dream or say they would like to have.  We have no money in our lives, but we are happy and our lives together just seem to get stronger and stronger as each day passes.

I was divorced by Ken on October 31, 2004, pares arrived in the mail, and on May 2, 2005 Mike and I got married, then on September 1, 2005 we purchased a smallholding farm in the Eastern Cape and moved down from Johannesburg.  We had several plans when we came down, we wanted to do research for people on the internet, I wanted to open an employment agency for white collar workers, we actually had so many ideas, but really could not get interested in too many of them. But knew we had to do something in order to pay the bond.  As it stands now, Mike is doing research and copywriting for clients for the internet and websites and in February 2007, we had the opportunity to make another one of my dreams come true.  I have always wanted to build things, work with wood and bring life back to the fallen trees without just using it for firewood.  We got that opportunity on 1 Feb. 2007, when we took over the operations of an existing furniture manufacturing business.  We moved all the equipment to our farm and started making beds, tables, lamps candle holders and more.  I am now 56, Mike is 67 and we feel like a couple teenagers or younger, our bodies tell us all the time our age, but mentally, we are still very young indeed.  I have the things in life that I have always just wished for.  Our business is surviving, nothing major yet, but I am making things and working with the equipment and most of all I am having fun.  Money, well that is another story.  I wish for that everyday, it has yet to arrive, but we survive and we are happy.  Mike and I have not had one disagreement or argument yet in 10 years.  We talk things out; we discuss things together and make the decisions together as a family, not just because he or she says so.  We actually have the same ideas and work our relationship together.  It does happen and I would suggest to anyone who has ever had the thoughts about meeting someone, no matter your age, to just be cautious, use your self guided insights and better judgements, and if you feel this is a good thing, then go for it, but if you have the slightest doubts, keep on guard, but give it a try, you just might be surprised.  The one thing I might add here is to keep your goals in life set high, but be willing to compromise; you just might be surprised at the outcome.

Recipe For Success

1 C Success
1 C Consideration
2 C Human Kindness
2 C Carefully Expressed Compliments
5 Liters of Faith in Each Other
2 C of Praise
A Dash of In-Laws
A Dash of C0-Operation
3 t Pure Extract of “I Am Wrong”
1 C Contentment
1 C Each of Confidence & Encouragement
2 C of Blindness to Each Other’s Faults

Mix together all ingredients & stir well, removing specks of Jealousy, Criticism, Temper & Lack of Forgiveness. Sweeten with generous portions of Love. Keep warm with a steady flame of Devotion. Never ever serve with a cold shoulder or a hot tongue.

Flavor with frequent portions of recreation & a dash of happy memories.